Age of the Youngest Guy To Visit Every Country In The World Revealed

By R. Siva Kumar - 10 Aug '15 17:41PM

Gunnar Garfors is a Norwegian media professional and just 37, going on 38.

No big deal? Well, he is the youngest person to manage an awesome record: he has visited all 198 countries in the world, according to unilad.

And all this while still working full time!

It was in 2008 that Gunnar Garfors had finished travelling to 85 different countries. But then he made a decision---he wanted to travel to every single nation in the world - 198. He managed it on May 8, 2013, becoming the youngest person to touch every one of them.

He was 37 years old. And since then, he has written a book, '198: How I Ran Out Of Countries' and created a website to help you understand his trips better.

He wrote: "I travelled to every country while maintaining a full-time job, so there has been literally hundreds of trips and 3-4,000 flights. I guess having visited every country as a hobby traveler shows that you don't have to quit your job and set up a travel blog to see and experience the world. You just need to plan a bit, yet dare be impulsive - almost a contradiction."

He has been driving to most of the countries, so he managed to finish 18 European countries in a single day!

Bulgaria, Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland and Liechtenstein... All in 24 hours!

In another awesomely planned day, he managed to visit five continents too in just one day. That included Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, and South America all within 28 hours and 25 minutes, and as he juggled some "clever timing with the timezones", he finished all continents in the same day.

Still, he is a true blue patriot. "Both the midnight sun (in summer) and the northern light (in winter) in Northern Norway are incredible experiences that everyone should try," he feels. Its scenery, with fjords, glaciers, mountains and islands with occasional villages, towns or cities, is out of this world.

So do you want some tips to travel? This is what he recommends:

"It will just take some planning. With low-cost airlines all over Europe virtually anyone can visit another country by booking tickets way ahead. And there are of course also trains, ferries and buses. And hitch-hiking and car sharing can also work. Then is possible to stay for free on someone's sofa using sites such as Couch Surfing or Hospitality Club, you will then not only get a free bed, but a free guide and maybe a great friend too. And the most important thing is to smile and approach people. Most people will appreciate it, and suddenly you will find yourself invited to a party, mountain hike or even a dinner."

Check out his website, which is chock full of information and photographs of his wanderlust.

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