Is Facebook's Future Is Telepathy? Zuckerberg Details Upcoming Features In QA

By Kamal Nayan - 01 Jul '15 02:36AM

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg in his latest Q&A session on his Facebook page detailed about several features that the company is currently working on.

Apparently, Zuckerberg wants Facebook users to be able to update statuses with the power of telepathy.

"One day, I believe we'll be able to send full rich thoughts to each other directly using technology," he said in response to a question on the future of the company.

"You'll just be able to think of something and your friends will immediately be able to experience it too if you'd like. This would be the ultimate communication technology."

Zuckerberg also revealed that it is working on a translating speech to text alongside test between any languages to answer user queries. He said, "For listening and language, we're focusing on translating speech to text, text between any languages, and also being able to answer any natural language question you ask. This is a pretty basic overview. There's a lot more we're doing and I'm looking forward to sharing more soon."

Facebook recently opened a new AI lab in Paris, the third after two it already runs in the US.

Regarding, Zuckerberg said: "We're working on two main paths: First, we're working on partnerships with operators to deliver free basic Internet services around the world. This is already live in more than a dozen countries and more than one billion people can already access these free basic Internet services. We have many more launches planned around the world as well. Second, we're working on new technologies that can extend Internet connectivity even further. The main three things we're working on are drones, satellites and lasers."

He added that 'Internet for all' can contribute to jobs, education, health, and communication.

Zuckerberg also had a question from famous theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking: "I would like to know a unified theory of gravity and the other forces. Which of the big questions in science would you like to know the answer to and why?" Replying to the question, Zuckerberg said: "I'm most interested in questions about people. What will enable us to live forever? How do we cure all diseases? How does the brain work? How does learning work and how we can empower humans to learn a million times more? I'm also curious about whether there is a fundamental mathematical law underlying human social relationships that governs the balance of who and what we all care about. I bet there is."

For the next hour I’ll be here answering your questions on Facebook. Our Townhall Q&As are an important way for me to...

Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Tuesday, June 30, 2015

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