Upcoming Samsung Smartphones Could Double In Battery Life

By Kamal Nayan - 29 Jun '15 02:03AM

Upcoming Samsung smartphones could double in battery life, thanks to the lithium-ion battery innovation by Samsung's Advanced Institute of Technology and Energy Material Lab.

The newly evolved technology, involves adding a silicon material to the traditional lithium-ion layer that would increase the energy density and longevity of the battery.

The trick is taking advantage of a silicon coating that supports graphene (pure carbon) growth on top of the battery's silicon nanoparticles but does not cause a silicon carbide formation that would disrupt the energy transfer, IBT noted.

Reportedly, in research testing, the format increased energy densities from 1.5 to 1.8 times higher than current levels.

Findings of the research, led by In Hyuk Son and Jong Hwan Park, members of Samsung's Advanced Institute of Technology and Energy Material Lab in Korea, who collaborated with other associated, Korean researchers of materials science, was published online in Nature last week.

Hopefully, in future, we could see slimmer Samsung phones with longer battery power.

However, regardless of what role the research ultimately fulfills, the technology will take time to enter the consumer market as more tests are needed.

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