iPad Pro Release Date and Rumors Update: iOS 9 Code Hints 2732×2048 Resolution Screen

By Kamal Nayan - 16 Jun '15 10:42AM

Yesterday, after we reported that iOS 9 codes kind of confirm the release of gigantic iPad, today we're learning that the upcoming iPad Pro will have 2732×2048 resolution screen.

 At 12.9-inches, this amounts to 263 pixels-per-inch.

This has been discovered by the same developer who previously discovered that the UIKeyboard can scale to a larger size than before, Steve Troughton Smith.

iPad Air 2 features a resolution of 2048×1536 at 9.7-inches which means that the upcoming iPad Pro will have the width resolution of two 9.7-inch iPads running next to each other.

The iPad Pro is expected to get a significantly larger keyboard packed with extra characters which will include things like minus symbols and parentheses. It is also expected to have a bluetooth stylus, NFC, Force Touch and a USB-C port.

The Irish Examiner reported that Apple is likely to announce the iPad Pro later this autumn. It's expected that it will be aimed at professionals and students, as they'll be able to work on it easier than they would on a current iPad.

More will be unveiled later this autumn but expect more revelations to come as developers will spend more time digging into iOS 9's code.

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