Finding a your Lost Android Phone using Google

By Ajay Kadkol - 03 May '15 13:25PM

One of the perks of having a smart phone is being able to find it, when it is lost or stolen.

Here are few steps that one should follow, to help himself locate his smart phone when it is lost or stolen, using Google.

1. One of the most primary steps is that, the user will have to install the Google App on his smart phone. With that, the user will have to get a Google Account.

2. The Google Account should be linked with his Android smart phone. This enables Google to identify the smart phone.

3. On the Google Account, turn on "Web and App Activity".

4. Now, considering that the android smart phone is lost, the user will have to log in to his Google Account from any computer.

5. On the Google search, type, "Find my Phone".

6. Google will locate your smart phone, and also give you information with regards to the location on the Google Maps.

Google also provides services such as "Ring", which will ring your lost smart phone for five minutes at the highest volume.

Thus, Google helps users to locate their lost/ stolen Android smart phone.

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