Study: 91% Teens Rely On Smartphones To Go Online

By Kamal Nayan - 09 Apr '15 09:51AM

92 percent of teens go online daily and 24 percent of them go online almost constantly, according to a new research. Strikingly, 91 percent of the teens went online at least occasionally using handheld devices.

The research, carried out by the Pew Research Center considered more than 1,000 teens, aged 13 to 17.

The study noted that black and Latino teens are more frequent Internet users. Thirty-four percent of black teens and 32% of Latino teens reported going online "almost constantly." By comparison, only 19% of white teens said they went online as much.

Also, 85 percent of black teens said they had access to a smartphone compared with 71 percent for Latino and white teens.

"American teens, especially African American youth, have embraced smartphones and the 24/7 access to people and information that they offer," said Amanda Lenhart, associate director for research at the Pew Research Center and the lead author on the report.

The research concluded that Facebook was the most popular social media platform among the teens and 71 percent of them already used the service. Instagram was the next popular platform, followed by Snapchat, Twitter and Google+.

The research also found that texting is still popular. 90 percent of teens with access to mobile phone said they texted.

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