This Car Can Fly And Is Going On Sale In 2017 [+Video]

By Kamal Nayan - 17 Mar '15 01:18AM

Arguably the most controversial product in the history of mankind - the self driving, self-flying, flying car - is going on sale in 2017. The flying car was recently previewed at SXSW.

AeroMobil, the maker of flying car said the car can do almost 100 MPH on the highway and when it reaches 81 it can takeoff. The car, according to the company, has a driving range of 435 miles and it can go even farther in the air, with a range of 545 miles.

The car is made of a special steel and carbon coating and can take off and land on short runways because the wings can change their "angle of attack."

Over the next decade, the company also plans to introduce self-flying car.

"Maybe 10 years from now, it needs to be automated," said Stefan Vodocz, the company's chief communications officer. "With an algorithm, it would be managed much better by a computer than by man."

The car, dubbed Flying Roadster, will cost few hundred thousand dollars.

"We need to somehow deal with 100 years of bureaucracy in the air, and 100 years of bureaucracy on the road," said Juraj Vaculik, AeroMobil's CEO.

"Mark my words: a combination airplane and motorcar is coming. You may smile, but it will come."

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